WebRTC Control is an extension that brings you control over WebRTC API in your browser. Toolbar icon serves as a toggle button that enables you to quickly disable or enable the add-on (note: the icon will change color once you click on it).

The WebRTC Mobile libraries are part of Google’s effort to facilitate the adoption of WebRTC on Android and iOS. They can be integrated with projects in Apple’s Xcode and Android studio directly, giving developers the opportunity to start experimenting with WebRTC. The libraries are published weekly as a snapshot of the WebRTC source code at Google's private WebRTC roadmap for 2020 = AI • BlogGeek.me Google’s plans for WebRTC have either changed or finally got revealed. Where? In its internal WebRTC roadmap. WebRTC is many things.. On one hand, it is a standard specification at the W3C (and is reaching 1.0 milestone). WebRTC — The technology that powers Google Meet/Hangout

WebRTC - Wikipedia

Just choose same flag or room or say same word on 2 android mobile at same time and you are in ! Free webRTC multi user video conferencing and calls on your Android device. Projects – opensource.google opensource.google more_vert Projects Community Docs Projects Community Docs Blog Google adds WebRTC to Chrome for in-browser voice, video

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Just choose same flag or room or say same word on 2 android mobile at same time and you are in ! Free webRTC multi user video conferencing and calls on your Android device. opensource.google more_vert Projects Community Docs Projects Community Docs Blog