How To Erase Chat And Call History In Skype
How to delete your Skype account 2020 | NordVPN Aug 29, 2019 How to Delete Your Skype Account - YouTube Oct 06, 2016 How to Delete Skype Account Permanently - (2020) Jan 23, 2020
To delete a chat: On mobile: Tap and hold on a conversation in your chat list, then select Delete conversation. On desktop: Right-click on a conversation in your chat list, then select Delete conversation. Note: Deleting a conversation clears your copy of messages in a conversation and also removes the conversation from your chat list. If you
Sep 29, 2012 · How to delete chat history on Skype - Duration: 1:44. Nemanja Stankovic 37,151 views. 1:44. How to add or delete contacts from list in Skype® for Mac® OS X - Duration: 1:46.
Once a request for deletion is submitted, Skype would take some time to process the request and then delete the account, along with all the contacts and other Skype data. Note: Make sure that you take care of your Skype credits and other balances before removing the account.
May 27, 2019 · Skype may be one of the most popular video calling apps, allowing users to speak to friends and family around the globe, either for free, or at very low rates.. However, if you have an iOS device